
Autumn young wine

Autumn young wine Autumn young wine

The November table gives us two things above all: chestnuts and “novello”, young wine. A great classic of combinations, which recalls the flavors of autumn and the days that slowly lead us to Christmas.

A glass of novello smells of freshly pressed grapes, of a september wine cellar and of fresh must. The origins are French, but Italy is the country of adoption; with a particular eye to Campania. It is precisely from here that some of the most appreciated grapes for the production of this particular type of wine come from: «Aglianico and Piedirosso above all», explains Tommaso Luongo, president of the Italian Sommelier Association of Campania.

Novello wine, as its name implies, offers quick drink, of great acidity and practically no tannins. This makes it particularly appreciated even by those who, perhaps, do not prefer large, full-bodied and structured red wines.

How can this result be achieved? Here: we forget for a moment the classic wine production procedure. That is: harvest, pressing of the grapes, preparation of the must and alcoholic fermentation. Here the grapes will not go into any wine press. They will, however, be closed whole inside an airtight container devoid of oxygen and dense with carbon dioxide.

«A process that favors intracellular fermentation, that is inside the single bunch of grapes - continues Luongo - said in a technical way: the grapes begin to change their metabolism, while the skins will begin to give the pulp some substances, such as the pigments that determine the color of the wine».

A laborious and scientifically accurate process that will give us a fresh and jovial glass. Perfect to taste not only in combination with chestnuts, but also with cold cuts and cheeses not too seasoned. Therefore, it is not surpirising the success that this wine continues to collect.

«Over the years the novello has always been described as a “not very demanding” wine, a daily drink - concludes Luongo - given that a daily wine should not be, in fact, a wine of poor quality, it should be in my opinion specified that the new wine is not at all a wine of minor league. Nor should it be declassified to wine for less refined palates. It is a wine with its own dignity and dimension».

November has its scents and its tastes. We really find them all in this cup.